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            Once again, I find myself writing my blog post the day that I am going to turn it in. This time, however, it is not out of necessity – I already have a blog post written. I’m delaying that one, and instead, this week, I am writing about Yom Kippur.
            Yom Kippur, in my opinion, is the most important and holy Jewish holiday that there is. It is the Day of Atonement – you fast for 25 hours, attend temple for many of those hours. However, when you are not temple, there aren’t many things to do. On this Day of Atonement, I am not supposed to use any electronics, or play any frivolous games. Indeed, I am writing this blog post on a piece of paper with a pencil – a revolutionary idea – as I try not to waste my time today. When I fast, I am supposed to be able to reflect about my sins of the previous year with more clarity. That is indeed true. I believe that fasting is a very good portal to deep thought, and it has allowed me today to make many personal decisions and introspections.

            Lying in bed today, or reclining on my couch, most of what I have done is read and think. I’ve gone over much of the past year, since last Yom Kippur, and I realize that so much has changed. I have begun the college process, and made many new connections, and I believe that I have changed as a person. I think back about the amazing things that I’ve done, such as begun counseling at summer camp, forged closer and better relationships with my friends and family, and done well in my academics. There are also some not amazing things I have done, which I am choosing not to cover in detail on this public blog post. However, I am thankful for this last year, and am hoping to grow more as a person over this next coming year.  


  1. This is interesting because when I think of fasting or even Yom Kippur in general I only think about the certain foods you are and aren't allowed to eat and at what times rather than the activities you described (which are seemingly equally important). I think there is something about putting everything else aside in life that like you said "Is a very good portal to deep thought." When you mentioned this it made me think of meditating which similarly requires intense focus and dedication in a certain moment in time.

  2. As a non-religious person I can't fully relate to this blog post, however I can see how an experience like this can be very good and mentally healthy. Reflection on the past is very important and it allows you to see how much you have changed and how the change has effected you, which you mentioned. Since Yom Kippur is each year you can see how you grow each year. The only time I experience something similar is during New Year, I think about my experiences in the past year, but without the religious aspect I feel like a miss a significant portion. Great Post!!

  3. Speaking as probably one of your few classmates that's fasted for religious reasons as well (one of our many common bonds that should unite us against the villain that is the White Christian man), I can't relate at all. Similar to what you've described, Ramadan is supposed to be a time of reflection and spiritual improvement. It's not that at all, it's just not. I get frustrated and cranky because I'm hungry and thirsty all the time. It's typically during the summer so I'm either cooped up in the house all day with family members who are also thirsty and hungry and cranky or I'm out playing with friends, but even that sucks because I get thirsty and tired so easily. A lot of the time I just sleep, which doesn't really give any room for reflection. I'm supposed to read the Quran, something I loathe doing when I'm well-fed and happy. It's just awful and stupid. You know when I get a lot of self-reflection done? The evening of Thanksgiving, when I've just spent the whole day making merry and stuffing myself. There, in the peace of my bloated belly, I can reflect. Not when I'm dehydrated and hangry.

  4. Fasting like this seems, well, fascinating! I can tell it's a very difficult challenge but, through your writing, I see that it's a very good opportunity to relaxation and deep thinking. Question: You said you fast for 25 hours. This includes the sleeping time, right?


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